Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday.

Cozumel, Mexico.

Wordless Wednesday.


Svara said...

Pretty shoreline!

Jim said...

Hi Mrs. V. Well, well. You took a twelve day honeymoon from blogging! :-)
But really, I don't know if I could stay away for that long. I am headed out tomorrow but still I am putting things on and reading.

Your WW is very nice. That tide just comes in and goes out. So do the waves. Did you by any chance scroll down to my Sunday post, I have a little poem about the tide for our poem of the week. With some pictures, similar to yours.
The prompt was "endless":
Never Ending

Never ending —
cycle of nature goes on
tide ebbs and flows

Thank you for coming and for leaving your nice comment.
Happy WWW!
And congratulations for the wedding, I hope you two live happily together evermore.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shot of the shoreline in this picture :)
Happy Weekend!

jenny leigh said...

O so nice!!!!

Mrs. V. said...


Yes I have been slacking on my blogging as of late. I'm surprised I stayed away that long too but I couldn't really update while in Mexico, haha.

I really love the way the shoreline looks in this photo, much prettier then the ones where we live, and yes I was able to read that post - very nice!

Thank you so much and I hope your trip goes well.

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Wife. Full-Time Office Assistant. Housewife. Married. Nerd At Heart. Cooking And Cleaning Are My Stress Relievers. Fall Wedding 2008. Avid Book Reader. Sarcastic Humor. Psychology Lover. Wannabe Photographer. Brand New Pet Owner.