Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day Sixty-Six. - Project 365.

Day Sixty-Six. - Filled To The Brim. - After spending way too much at the grocery store we were at home unloading all the groceries and decided that we need a larger freezer since we were hardly able to shut the door after unloading everything. And I never realized how much frozen food we eat, mostly for us to eat on our lunches at work, which can't be healthy for us. Maybe next time we will get some real, non-frozen, food too so our refrigerator won't get jealous.

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Wife. Full-Time Office Assistant. Housewife. Married. Nerd At Heart. Cooking And Cleaning Are My Stress Relievers. Fall Wedding 2008. Avid Book Reader. Sarcastic Humor. Psychology Lover. Wannabe Photographer. Brand New Pet Owner.