Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day Three Hundred & Forty-One. - Project 365.

Day Three Hundred & Forty-One. - Classy Couple. - I love that we are in our pajamas looking like nerds but holding wine and I classify that as Classy, haha. Anyway, instead of having a night out like we have been since Thanksgiving pratically we decided to stay home and drink the wine we bought a few weeks back and watch movies together. It was very nice to relax and around my husband without having to worry about loud music and terrible waitresses.

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Wife. Full-Time Office Assistant. Housewife. Married. Nerd At Heart. Cooking And Cleaning Are My Stress Relievers. Fall Wedding 2008. Avid Book Reader. Sarcastic Humor. Psychology Lover. Wannabe Photographer. Brand New Pet Owner.